Red Pine Needle Oil: The Adaptogen with Amazing Health Benefits

Posted by Eliza Hedley on

Red Pine Needle Oil: The Adaptogen with Amazing Health Benefits

An Overview of Red Pine Needle Oil and Its History

Pine trees are evergreen conifers (plants that produce needles and cones) that are part of the genus pinus and the Pinaceae botanical family. The genus consists of over 120 different pine species that grow all over the world.

However, not all pine trees are suitable for consumption and not all are beneficial for supporting human health.

Red Pine Needle Oil is a unique and potent adaptogen with a long list of extraordinary health benefits.

Red Pine Needles have been used in Japanese and Korean traditional medicine for over 4,000 years in the treatment of more than 170 health conditions (2).

Red Pine Needles were documented in two Traditional Oriental Medical books, the "Dongwee Bogam" and "Boncho Kangmok". The longevity benefits we’re noted as it protected the individual consuming it from external pathogens and foreign invaders.

The rich history of the Red Pine Needle oil also dates back to Hippocrates himself - the founding father of modern medicine. It was revered by Hippocrates as a cleansing and purifying agent for the body (2).

In more modern times, Red Pine Needle oil has remained a best-kept secret adaptogen within Western natural medicine for protecting the body from pathogens and supporting cellular regeneration.

Red Pine Needle Oil has antioxidant, anti-microbial, antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that effectively detoxify the body–neutralizing and decreasing the pro-inflammatory effects of LPA (lipopolysaccharides) compounds released from pathogenic microbes and parasites. It also neutralises toxins from the environment and effectively enabling nutrients to be transported within cells to better optimize their functioning (2, 3).

Red Pine Needle oil is ideal for supporting parasite cleanses, restoring microbial balance, and protecting the body from external pollutants such as nano plastics, pollution and radiation.

This article outlines the extraordinary benefits of Korean Red Pine Needle oil and why the anti-inflammatory properties of red pine extract oil makes it a great immunity booster for strengthening the cells, supporting cellular function and improving overall well being (3).

What is Red Pine Needle Oil?

What is Red Pine Needle Oil?

Korean Red Pine Needle oil differs from other pine oil and pine tree supplements on the market.

Korean Red Pine Needle oil is extracted from a unique species of red pine trees called Pinus densiflora. The Korean red pine tree is indigenous to Japan, China, Korea, and some parts of Russia (1).

Being a wildcrafted extract, Red Pine Needle oil contains many medicinal properties specifically high levels of antioxidants, beta-carotene (pre-vitamin A), rutin, chlorophyll as well as iron, amino acids, and vitamin C and vitamin A.

Additionally, red pine needles contain a unique naturally occurring compound Turpentine - which elicits its potent antifungal and antiparasitic benefits (2).

Chlorophyll improves blood detoxification and oxygen utilisation within the blood and body, as well as being a potent antioxidant compound itself - protecting cells from DNA damage from oxidative stress molecules we’re constantly exposed to and generating as a by-product of cellular function.

Beta-Carotene and rutin are additional antioxidants, or flavonoids, which act as an immunity booster and protect cells and DNA from damage.

Vitamin A is required for proper cell replication and plays a role in anti-ageing, and iron and amino acids support oxygenation and tissue generation.

It’s these specific compounds found in red pine needles that give it its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help rid the body of parasites and external invading pathogens (3).

Reasons Why You Should Choose Red Pine Needle Oil

There are so many reasons why you should add Red Pine Needle oil into your daily routine.

If you’re looking to improve your health and boost mental and physical performance, Korean Red Pine Needle oil from Pinus densiflora red pine trees, has a wide variety of health benefits.

Red pine extract oil can help your body adapt to stress, increase energy, boost antioxidants like vitamin A, improve sleep quality and promote better digestion.

Here is a list of health benefits and reasons why you might consider consuming red pine needles every day.

  • Anti-parasitic
  • Antiviral
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-microbial
  • Antioxidants - increases the body's own production of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-ageing and cellular regenerating
  • Protects cellular DNA
  • Detoxifies and cleanses toxins from the body
  • Helps clear phlegm from the body
  • Supports respiratory function
  • Increases nitric oxide production improving circulation
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Immunity booster
  • Nourishes the hair and skin
  • Neutralizes toxins from the environment, including mould, plastics and pollutants

Historical Uses of Red Pine Needle Oil

The historical use of Red Pine Needle oil exists within Korean, Japanese and Chinese medicine where it was used as an antiseptic and diuretic, helping to treat kidney and bladder issues as well as respiratory infections (6).

Red pine needles have expectorant qualities which help to aggravate mucous membranes and break up phlegm. This is beneficial as an immunity booster and for improving cold symptoms, cases of flu and chest infections.

Red Pine Needle oil is also used topically to help heal rashes, wounds and bites, being utilised in poultices and herbal steam baths to prevent infection and support wound healing (6).

Native Americans also utilised the oil from red pine needles from Pinus densiflora pine trees for respiratory illnesses and repelling bugs and invading pathogens (1).

Components of Red Pine Needle Oil

Components of Red Pine Needle Oil

Korean Red Pine Needle oil is rich in many health-promoting compounds that support human health.

These are the valuable components of Korean Red Pine Needle oil extracted from Pinus densiflora pine needles:


Red Pine Needle oil is rich in chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the pigment in plants responsible for its green colour and enables photosynthesis to occur–the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.

Chlorophyll is structurally similar to hemoglobin - the protein that transports oxygen within red blood cells. The similarity in structure helps chlorophyll increase oxygenation in the blood, thereby improving energy, and aids detoxification and the removal of cellular waste.


Antioxidants are important substances that scavenge free radical compounds such as lipid peroxidases and hydrogen peroxide which damage cellular proteins, disrupt cell function, and damage DNA.

Free radicals negatively impact healthy cellular replication and accelerate disease states and ageing. Antioxidants act as an immunity booster and protect the body from this oxidative stress, inflammation, accelerated aging and DNA damage.


Protein is required for the synthesis of so much more than muscles. Our immunoglobulins for immune function are proteins, hemoglobin to transport iron and oxygen to cells are proteins, amylase, protease and lipase are digestive enzymes and proteins. Proteins are essential for optimal body functioning.


Phenols are a type of antioxidant compound that modulate the microbiome and bacterial species within the gut microbiome. Phenols also offer protection against pathogens and DNA damage from radiation or UV exposure.


Rutin is a flavonoid and is another antioxidant, immunity booster and elicits anti-inflammatory properties, specifically in the respiratory tract and can help with flu colds and chest infections.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is key in cellular regeneration, skin health, mucous membrane function, immune cell signalling and growth. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant itself, protecting cells from damage.


Beta-Carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and a potent antioxidant that protects the body from DNA and cellular damage. Beta-carotene supports eye health, skin and immune function.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a crucial antioxidant compound within the body that supports the creation of Glutathione, recycles vitamin E, enables a healthy cortisol response and is a key vitamin for the function of the immune system.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino Acids are required for the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, immune cells and tissues like collagen and muscle.


Iron is an important mineral that helps maintain healthy blood. Iron is needed for the transport of oxygen to cells enabling cellular respiration and cellular energy production. Iron also plays a role in neurotransmitter synthesis, mood, circulation, muscle contraction and growth.

A lack of iron is called iron-deficiency anemia, which affects about 4-5 million Americans yearly. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide, causing extreme fatigue and lightheadedness.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is another important lipid-soluble antioxidant found in red pine needle oil that supports metabolism and reduces inflammation within the body.

Shikimic Acid

Shikimic Acid is a powerful compound within Korean Red Pine Needles that has numerous anti-viral and cardiovascular benefits.

Shikimic Acid is an important intermediate in the synthesis of lignins - a type of compound that may help lower cholesterol. Studies have shown Shikimic Acid to elicit anticoagulant and antithrombotic benefits.

Shikimic Acid is also utilized as a chemical constituent used within the pharmaceutical industry. Shikimic acid is used as a starting material for antiviral drugs and chemotherapy drugs such as Oseltamivir and Suramin.

C10 H16

The C10 H16 molecule is a type of terpene and aromatic compound. It’s found in plants and functions as a natural defence against invading organisms and pathogens.

C10 H16 has been shown to help “clean” the lymphatic, vascular, metabolic and pulmonary systems of the body.

Potential Health Benefits of Red Pine Needle Oil

Potential Health Benefits of Red Pine Needle Oil

What are the health benefits of Korean Red Pine Needle oil, one of the best adaptogenic herbs?

Here is the list of potential health benefits of Red Pine Needle oil extracted from Pinus densiflora pine needles.

Supports Detoxification

One of the most incredible benefits of Red Pine Needle oil is its ability to act as a powerful internal cleanser, immunity booster and detoxifying agent.

Red Pine Needle oil naturally and gently detoxifies the blood of pollutants and toxins from both the external and internal environment. It works to support the body against all types of foreign invaders.

Red Pine Needle oil is an ideal cleansing agent to rid the body of parasites and support similar cleansing periods when combating candida, fungi, viruses, bacteria and moulds.

Boosts Antioxidants

Red Pine Needle oil is known to be a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent damage to cells by free radicals.

Red pine extract oil is rich in antioxidant boosting compounds such as chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene and rutin. These antioxidants from red pine needles help fight off free radicals that disrupt cellular function and damage DNA.

Korean Red Pine Needle oil also naturally increases the body's own production of master antioxidants–glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Lowers Inflammation

Red Pine Needle oil is a potent antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation.

Antioxidants help to prevent inflammatory responses from happening when they are not required. This means that antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties due to the role they play in the body.

Red pine needle oil contains a high concentration of alpha-pinene and beta-pinene terpenes, which are known for their anti-inflammatory effects. They can help reduce swelling and pain in the joints and muscles, as well as reduce asthma attacks and improve lung function.

It is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic oil that can calm down pain and improve blood circulation. It's also used to treat gout, rheumatism, arthritis, muscle pain and other inflammatory diseases.

Increases Energy

Korean Red Pine Needle oil increases energy level production by supporting circulation, nitric oxide levels, vasodilation, provides an immunity booster and detoxifes the body of toxins that decrease energy levels.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Red Pine Needle oil can help to reduce stress and anxiety and elevate mood.

It has calming effects on the nervous system due to its monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibition properties. This means that your brain can take in more serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that are responsible for reducing stress levels.

The scent of red pine extract oil is also said to help calm the nerves, making it useful for anxiety disorders such as panic attacks or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Strengthens Immunity

Korean Red Pine Needle oil is a powerful immunity booster.

It contains immune-supportive compounds–volatile oils that are anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and amphoteric. Korean pine needles are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and B1 which act as a immunity booster and support healthy skin.

Supports Brain Health

Red Pine Needle oil can help support brain health and improve cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain cells and providing nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin E for healthy brain tissue development.

Restores Gut Health

Korean Red Pine Needle oil can also be used for treating digestive problems including constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The oil from red pine needles can also help with PMS symptoms like bloating and cramps.

Vitamin B1 is also beneficial because it promotes healthy digestion by supporting healthy nerve function within your gut walls - this means fewer digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation!

Improves Sleep

Red Pine Needle oil can improve sleep quality. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which is beneficial for those who suffer from high blood pressure or insomnia.

The red pine needles from Pinus densiflora contain pinosylvin. This is an antioxidant that helps protect your brain tissue from free radicals that would otherwise disrupt your sleep cycle.

Nourishes Skin Health

Red Pine Needle oil can also be used topically.

Many people use red pine extract oil as an anti-aging treatment because it promotes collagen production, which prevents wrinkles and keeps skin looking youthful.

As a powerful antioxidant, red pine needles helps to prevent damage to cells by free radicals. This can help to reduce inflammation and fight signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Its anti-inflammatory properties also make red pine needles an effective remedy to treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Red Pine Needle oil can be used as a face wash or toner by applying a couple of drops directly to your face with your fingertips after washing and drying your face before bedtime each night.

Improves Eye Health

Due to its potent antioxidant properties, Red Pine Needle oil can help improve eye health. Free radicals can cause several vision-related conditions to appear such as cataracts, and macular degeneration.

These conditions cause the degradation of cells and antioxidants can help repair and restore cellular health and therefore, support eye health.

Ways to Add Red Pine Needle in Your Daily Diet

Ways to Add Red Pine Needle in Your Daily Diet

Adding Red Pine Needle oil into your daily diet is as simple as diluting 1-10 drops into water or juice daily.

Additionally, pairing Red Pine Needle oil with Teelixir Fulvic Ionic Minerals improves absorption as well as further enhances detoxification, and toxin removal and supports the cellular function.

You can also use Red Pine Needle oil topically, directly on the skin. Apply small amounts of the liquid oil in full or diluted to affected areas. Avoid the eyes and nasal passages.

Factors to Consider Before Buying Red Pine Needle Oil

Pinus densiflora is a unique species of pine trees known in Korea and Japan as “Red Pine.”

Before buying Red Pine Needle oil, you must ensure you’re buying a wildcrafted and non-GMO source of Pinus densiflora red pine trees.

Most pine needle oils on the market are sourced from Pinus sylvestris, a completely different pine species that are cheaper but without the health benefits and more importantly, it cannot be ingested by humans.

Note: Teelixir Red Pine Needle oil is made from wildcrafted Pinus densiflora needles and is the only ingestible form of pine needle oil on the market.

Additionally, when it comes to implementing a potent cleansing and detoxifying adaptogen like Red Pine Needle oil, it’s important to ensure you have functioning emunctory organs - or channels of detoxification.

Ensuring healthy and consistent bowel movements daily, daily movement, adequate hydration and sleep are crucial to help prevent the recirculation of toxins and microbial byproducts.

Additionally, some individuals may have an allergy to pine trees. You may want to avoid this product if you know you are allergic or start slowly with a very small dose and see how your body reacts.

If you’re taking medications, always consult your physician before starting any new supplement. Do not consume Red Pine Needle oil if you're pregnant or nursing.

Teelixir Red Pine Needle Oil Pinus densiflora red pine trees

Final Words

Pine trees are a very medicinal tree. However, not all species of pine trees are suitable for consumption or offer the same level of health benefits as red pine needles.

Korean Red Pine Needles is a unique and potent extract oil made from organic Pinus densiflora red pine trees.

These pine needles contain powerful antioxidants such as phenols, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and Rutin.

Further, the benefits of red pine needles help improve circulation and detoxification, neutralise toxins, inhibit pathogenic infections, improve cellular nutrient status and replication, act as an anti-aging adaptogen and immunity booster.


  1. All You Need to Know About Red Pine Needle Oil from Pinus densiflora Pine Needles -
  2. What You Need to Know About Pine Needles Essential Oil -
  3. Korean Red Pine Needle Oil: A Super Antioxidant -
  4. Shikimic acid: Review of its analytical, isolation, and purification techniques from plant and microbial sources -
  5. Yoon Hyung, Lee, Yong Soon, Choi and San Young, Lee: Study on the screening and application of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor from Pinus strobos extracts. Collateral reduction: Korean Soc. Food Nutr., 25,188 (1996) -
  6. ​​Inhibitory effects of phenolic compounds from needles of Pinus densiflora on nitric oxide and PGE2 production -

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